
Saturday 12 January 2008

I kicked butt!

My saturday came back with avengance. I rearranged the main bedroom, cleared out and reorganised all the boxes under the bed, the wardrobes and the drawers. Not sure how long I shall keep the room this way around, nut it will be nice for a change and give the floor a bit of a rest. 3 loads of laundry is already done, actually have a load of sheets on the washing line (purely because there is no room in the dryer, there is no way that it will dry out there) I washed the kitchen window to clear on the cat-snot. that looks ten times better! I can see through it now.
Its only just past lunch and I have worked hard for about 3 hours, I have more to do as soon as one area is clean and tidy the others seem to go downhill. Oh well, thats my life, I just need to train the family better.
Most of all I'm very happy to be back on the HHWC forum, my absence there certainly makes a difference to how I do in my days.
We are going out this afernoon for a treat, no where expensive as we are saving for a summer holiday, we havent been away in the smmer for about 4 years so it will be nice not to go in the winter.
Have decided to decorate the kitchen in the spring. I was thinking of a lovely sage colour. I think it would look nice. So I'll start looking at bits to add and change. I would like to paint the cupboard doors (I would rather replace them if we can offord to). So I am getting exciting about that.

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