
Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Fabulous Podcast

I listened to the latest Darla Shine Pod cast last night (found ) Darla and Dana from the Happy Housewives Club talk about a college that has been slated for providing courses in homemaking, claiming it to be regressing, I wont quote wrongly so I advice you to have a listen. I was listening and nodding and making my comments right there with the girls. I did some Home Economics at secondary school (between the ages of 11 and 16) It completely wasn't what the young girls of today need. We used to rotate classes termly, one was cooking, another was handicrafts. Quite frankly it was very poor, we "cooked" soup and made kites with plastic bags and string, please inform me as to where that helped anyone become a housewife? Indeed life lessons and research provide us with a great deal, which has to be a wonderful thing because if we relied on what we were taught at school, we'd have a miserable life only ever accomplishing flask made soup and who knows what would become of us. Lessons from our parents, that would be fine if our mothers were the figures of idols, so far I have gained advice and pointers from where ever I can, even if the lessons are not the ones that work they are the ones that teach us.
So I am all in favour of homemaking classes, as I wrote in a post before, its something I would love. Help the future mothers and wives be the best they can, raise the children the world needs and create a generation that can change the way the future generations live.

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