
Wednesday, 4 February 2009

I'm so spoiled

I invite a guest for dinner this evening, I planned on toad-in-the-hole, roast potatoes and veg with a steamed chocolate pudding with cream for dessert, and when he arrived he did all the cooking, I'm amazed and feel so spoiled, a man who loves to cook and teaches me, some of you might know that I try my best but I'm not the greatest at cooking (lack of concentration I think) so we ate and shared the washing up and tidying. Seeing as the cleaning is my job it felt lovely to have someone help because they wanted to not because they were asked. So yes, I feel that I am spoilt.
Another great thing today, my obsession for all books "homekeepy" increased as I received "anthea turners guide to becoming the perfect housewife" I loved the show (still do as I have the series dvds) and wanted the original manual, well apart from turning into a dirty lazy slob and appearing on the show I knew only one place where I might get one, hello ebay, its a copy of an actual one from the show sadly not much care was taken over the pictures being copied but the rest is there, tee-hee I'm happy I have at least got some kind of copy. I hope she does another series but I dont think she will.

Righty-ho I'm off to do some wii-ing lol I got the "wii My personal Coach" and have a 15min workout scheduled and a 15min game play on Wii fit, man are those Nintendo Wii's cool.

Take Care

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