
Friday, 20 February 2009

Friday, thankfully.

Well most of today I spent listing ebay items, now I made to decision to stop crafting I thought it would be useful to sell them things I no longer need/want/use my mum still crafts so I can use her bits if needed and I'll keep a "project box" for A's school work too. Current I have 22 items listed.
I have sold an old carseat (totally up to saftey standard!) my old freezer, now I have a fabby new one (bigger!!) and loads of other bits, I made enough money last week to buy the new freezer and I am going shopping sunday to fill it up, I am hoping that with it being larger I will be able to cut my grocery bill down by storing and buying frozen food, with having to do atleast 10mile round trip to get a loaf of bread I need a fianically better idea.
My finances have been bugging me lately, its the uncertainty of handling it all. I write it down and evalute it all but I still stress out at the thought of most of it.
I have a house inspection on monday, the rental company are visiting to see the house and hopefully renew my tenancy for another 6 months. I hope I have kept it to the standard they want, must say some walls could do with a tough of paint but its cream and after having two children in it I'm supprised its not worse, when I clean the walls I tend to strip the paint off rather than the little finger marks lol.
Its my darling boyfriends birthday tomorrow, he turns 30. So I am joining him and his two children, his mum and dad and his nan and grandad for a meal, I'm nervous but I do know then so should be ok. I decided to wear my red dress and black cardigan, I want to look gorgeous by his side without being overdressed.
I've totally supprised myself with how much I really adore him, but he is a wonderful man and father, I'm blessed to have him in my life.
Grace had an eye appointment tuesday but passed very well and wont need another check up for a year. I've booked the girls a dentist appointment yet can get in until end of April!! thats a long wait but i do know people who havent even got a dentist. I went to the doctors on thursday as when I got up sunday morning I had a visable lump to the side of my naval, it didnt hurt but was obvious to sight that something wasnt right, by the time I went to docs it had gone down but was still there, the dr just said if it gets worse or causes pain to go back or go A&E I can still see it now, its a mystery.
Right I've chatted on enough tonight.
Take Care everyone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time, love.
I'm sure you will look beautiful! :-)
