
Saturday, 29 September 2007

Bed Linen day.

The washing machine was fixed yesterday so I am able to catch up with the laundry, which is a good thing when Saturdays are bed linen day. All the beds are stripped, vacuumed aired and remade. Its something I actually enjoy doing, a tidy bed makes a room look so much better. I remember when beds were made with lovely throws and eiderdowns, one day I shall own some beautiful bed linen. Now everyone seems to have elasticated edging to sheets and just throw on a duvet. The art of bed making seems to have changed so much from hospital corners, sheets and blankets. I wonder if the way that one makes a bed and dresses it portrays anything about the bedmaker? A certain pride perhaps or maybe it displays anal retentiveness. What ever it does show it makes a difference and is appreciated by those who get to enjoy a wonderful nights sleep in that carefully made bed. How does a bed make you feel? When you slink down into fresh clean sheets, when you snuggle your head into clean, comfortable pillows, it can give a feeling of bliss, a blissful awareness that this night you will sleep well. I should imagine, without researching, that there is even bed etiquette, what to do and what not to do with the bed. I would think that eating in bed would be a no, think of the crumbs and dirt that would get onto the bed. I wonder what a yes would be; perhaps it would be the order in which you and your companion got into it, well, whatever it is I am sure it remind some of how lovely it is to be able to have a bed. Its a privilege in many places in the world, so lets make sure that those that are lucky enough look after what they have. A lady once asked me why I bothered to iron my bed linen, I replied that I wanted a good nights sleep, she asked again, would it not just straighten itself out while you were asleep on it, with patients I finished by saying that I loved fresh sheets, I loved the smell of the ironed linen and that it made me feel better. It was a while before I spoke to that lady again, I did wonder if it was because she was avoiding me, then I saw her, we said hello and the usual and then she confessed that she and her husband have been having the most amazing nights. Maybe an over share on her part but she thanked me for helping her see that even an ironed sheet can make someone feel so much better. I have thought that maybe many people think that its a waste of time, that there are so many other things they could be doing, well yes, I would agree there are other things to be done, but spend a small part of your day making your bed and be glad at the end of a hard, long day you will be very thankful that you did.
And so for today I shall add a weblink to a How to site.

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